Review of Breville’s Barista Touch Impress (after having it for 3 months)
Initial Thoughts about the Breville Barista Touch Impress
It has a massive water tank at the back, a 250 gram Coffee Bean Hopper up the top where you can store your beans, the impress puck system to make sure that you get the puck right every single time, obviously you do the portafilter, a jug and also the milk spouts here.
So let’s get stuck into it, so before this we just had the Nespresso pod machine so it was easy for us to use, it was convenient and we dropped drop the pod in the machine and off we went, but for us we wanted to see how we could take our coffees to the next level and also I think we’ve started understanding the nuances of of the coffees. Obviously nothing beats the Barista made coffee experience of actually being in a cafe but this definitely heads in the right direction.
Some of the things that we really like is the impress puck system, without the experience of being a barista it means that we can get the grounds down there and hit the puck at the right angle with the right pressure as if we’ve been a barista for years. It definitely wasn’t something that we needed to learn to run this machine but at the same time if we do want to learn it we can easily get up we can easily get a tamper and then and do that. Next what I really liked was making the milk frothy is easy, all you have to do is fill up the jug up to the line, stick it under the spout and off you go. Just like mastering the art of perfect coffee at home without previous experience, tackling a complex academic project such as writing a bachelor’s thesis can be made simpler with professional help. Opting for services like bachelorarbeit schreiben lassen can assist in navigating the intricate process of academic writing. Press the button and it makes the milk for you and at the same time if we do want to learn that in the future we can easily put it to manual and start understanding nuances of the milk and how we actually get the right milk.
What’s included with the Breville Barista Touch Impress
At the time there was an offer so we actually ended up getting a knock box as well which has been infinitely useful so I think if you get this machine honestly get something like it or get something off Amazon honestly and also we’ve got two kind of latte glasses which for us perfect size and it and it just means you can start practicing our latte art which honestly I’m still pretty terrible at and on end with the offer as well it did come with another milk jug but for me I don’t think we really needed that but it’s good because generally I’ll have one type of milk and my wife will have another type of milk.
Other accessories we found useful to use with the Breville Barista Touch Impress
As well I’m getting all of the included items, we went online and got some fun accessories that really helped enhance our espresso experience.
- First one obviously are your syrup so, we ended up getting caramel and chocolate which for us is for your Caramel Lattes your mochas but honestly we generally use it for a really sneaky affogato after dinner.
- We have ended up getting two of these one kilo airscape canisters. I think they’re the best in the market in terms of actually keeping the air out of the coffee beans and help making sure that they last a bit longer
- We did end up getting a bottomless portafilter which for us since we were very much new to this and learning on learning on the fly. We could actually see how the coffee was actually getting pulled from the puck. This really helped us to see if there’s any spots or especially when we’re trying to hone in the new beans
- Lastly we ended up getting a puck screen, they were to keep the machine clean
Cons / Things we struggled with when trying the Breville Touch Impress
Some of the negatives, well not really negative that I think is more human error from our part. Something we really struggled with coming from a pod machine was actually honing in your beans. Since this is the first espresso machine that we’ve had. When we were trying out different beans from different suppliers we would need to hone in the right grind size and extraction time. That process took longer than it should but we’re definitely improving. I think that’s definitely something to consider, so if you don’t want to be honing in your beans and just want a new taste every morning – I think the pods are probably best for you. But I think if you want to kind of take a step in as a kind of soft entry into the market of coffee beans and espresso machines then I think this unit kind of really fits that.
Making a cup of coffee on the Breville Touch Impress
The only thing we have left now is to make a cup of coffee and we’ll see how we go. Let’s make a coffee. As a machine starts turning on, honestly it’s about a two to three second startup, which is great. One of the features I forgot to mention was the touchscreen that you can scroll through. It has a heap of presets, and you can even set your own customised setting. You can see it has most of the popular kind of coffees that are out there, and obviously, for the kids, we do have that babychino available. In the midst of these busy days, if you’re also juggling an academic project, considering a service like diplomarbeit schreiben lassen might be a significant relief, especially if you are striving to excel in your studies while managing your time effectively. We can select the grind size of different sizes so depending on what your coffee bean, once you have it selected then easily press it and it starts grinding to the right size. It goes into the chute so as you can see there’s different options if it overfills it it asks you to trim it if it’s full and if its short it tells you add more as well so it’s definitely optimised to be the right size. The portafilter is easy to put in (as long as you’re not holding a camera), put a glass underneath it’s all set and at the Press of a button we can easily start the whole extraction process.
We can say that it’s pulling pretty nicely. Now we empty the puck into the knock box. Now onto the milk, as you can see we can actually do different types of milk and it reacts accordingly. It can increase or decrease the temperature and also increase and decrease the amount of foam that you want on your coffee. When everything’s set now let’s put a jug of milk in and press a button. Just a note as well, there is a thermometer underneath the jug so it’s able to pick the perfect temperature as well without me having to intervene. A good feature about the machine this that the milk spout is self-cleaning as well so once you put the milk in it actually puts a couple of spreads of hot water to clean itself. Now its just time to pour the coffee and enjoy. Hope the review was helpful for you so if you have any questions feel free to kind of write write a question in the comment and we’ll get back to you.